0535 1820226
Via II Giugno, 80 Mirandola - MO 41037 -



Aliauto Italia Srl is a dynamic company at the forefront in the design and manufacturing of functional test benches and high-tech hydraulic systems. We design and supply high added-value functional and hydraulic testing systems, based on our customers’ needs.
Our mission: our goal is to improve the quality of our products on the market and encourage the dissemination of the culture of testing by providing test benches. Using top quality industrial test benches, our main mission is to stimulate the market with durable and safe products.
Our vision: we offer tailored test benches to meet our customers’ needs and provide them with high-tech features, quality content, precision, and reliability, by relying on our skills and experience acquired with the activity and the inextinguishable drive for improvement.
We design and produce functional test benches, test rigs, production lines, test rooms for research and development which allow to test, assemble and develop the hydraulic units used in the main industrial sectors: transmissions, automotive and operating machines. Thanks to a careful control in the manufacturing processes and to the use of high quality components, we guarantee maximum reliability, precision and durability. Our high technology test stands and test rooms are able to carry out testing procedures, prototype innovation, endurance, production, end-of-line and validation of the product to be tested efficiently and reliably, providing customized solutions. Our test benches are fully customizable and studied and designed after a careful evaluation of customers’ needs. That is why each bench is unique. Aliauto designs test benches to perform different types of tests on a wide range of hydraulic components. We are experienced suppliers of end-of-line testing systems and machines dedicated to endurance and laboratory tests. We satisfy the most demanding requirements by creating test benches for hydraulics capable of handling very high powers, equipped with energy recovery systems. With our test benches for hydraulic pumps and motors it is possible to test different components.
Since 2010, we have delivered a large number of test benches for hydraulic pumps and motors intended for numerous international manufacturers. We are able to manufacture totally functional single or double station test rigs that can test up to four stage pumps simultaneously. Moreover, they can be integrated with our total test system which can control valves, steerings, valve blocks and hydraulic cylinders.
Aliauto carefully and directly takes care of the assembly of each of its Test Benches and Equipments, guaranteeing the highest quality standards, while ensuring at the same time an unparalleled attention to all details, all this allows us to combine in each machine built by us very high performance, safety and ease of use. All the Test Benches and Equipments designed and produced by Aliauto are subjected to a complete functional test before delivery in the presence of the customer. Aliauto considers training to be very important, for both practical and safety reasons as the customer must be familiar with our machines from day one; a training course is always provided during the installation of the machine, supporting and training the customer in its use from the first moment. A clear and precise vision guided our creation: to become one of the leading companies in the assembly of industrial test benches on an international scale. Our business strategy is based on three main pebbles; innovation, development and internationalisation

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