0535 49033
Via dell'Artigianato, 37 Cavezzo - MO 41032 -



Founded in 1974, Mekanica Draghetti is a metalworker company whose core business is mechanical precision machining using 3/4/ 5 axis machines. It focuses on production of components for hydraulic, packaging, automotive and defence sectors, and then it specializes in industrial applications. Mekanica Draghetti can work many kind of metal (alluminium, titanium, iron) and plastic materials thanks to its constantly updated fleet of machines with the latest generation system.

This company has almost 50 years of experience that is handed down from father to son following the best tradition of Italian companies. Its internal R&D department can develop specific items basing on each customer's needs and its quality department grants a continuous control during the whole production processes (from raw material to ended particular).

Since birth of Draghetti marine division in 2007, it designs and realizes also nautical items, such as trim stabilizers systems for navigation and spare parts for many kind of marine engines and brands, creating a specific sales network in nautical field. Finally, its continuous investments in company machineries allow mekanica draghetti to keep an important place in market and to be a loyable and trustable supplier for all his customers.

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