059 578702
Via Mosca, 5 Formigine - MO 41043 -



We Distillerie Bonollo Spa with Headoffice in Formigine - Modena -IT are a family-owned distillery on the market since 1908 and have a world reputation in grappa, brandy, liqueurs and food ethanol. We can supply spirits in bulk in tanks, as well as bottled under our trademarks or private labels.

Our story began in the early XX century in Emilia Romagna region with the distillation of grappa, the Italian flagship spirit, distilled from grape pomaces and skins. Then the business expanded along the Italian peninsula with two more plants.
In our distillery in Torrita di Siena (Siena province) an unrivalled equipment of copper alembics, traditional boilers and discontinuous columns allows us to offer the widest range of products, in respect of the bouquet and characters of the wines of origin. Here in Tuscany we have the bottling department and offer a private label service. We can customize any quality of grappa upon request.

The main distillation plant is located in Anagni (Frosinone province) near Rome, where we produce grappa, alcohol and wine distillate with our continuous columns and obtain here more neutral and modern spirits, which are perfect for mixology.

Our trademark collections are:

"CONSENSO", 500ml in elegant gift box: 4 extraordinary spirits to represent the best of our production. A rare Brandy aged over 20 years in Slavonian oak, 43% alc., amber hues with soft and velvety hints of dried fruits and vanilla. Grappa di Chianti Classico, 45% alc., Tuscan pride, rich bouquet of violet and hints of ripe red fruits. Acquavite di Uva 42% alc. ( Grape distillate from the best Italian table grapes, fragrant and fruity with liquorice notes closing with delicate herbs). Grappa Riserva 45% alc., aged 18 months in four different woods: oak, acacia, ash and cherry barrels. Intense and complex bouquet, floral and fruity closing with vanilla notes.

"LE FOGLIE E I FRUTTI", 700ml: 7 liqueurs from the Italian tradition based on ancient recipes with real fruits and officinal herbs steeped in fine alcohol. Amaretto 30° (almond), Amaro 30° (gentle bitters), Laurino 40° (laurel berries), Nocino 40°(walnut), Prugna 40° (plum), Sambuca 40° (anise) and Sassolino 40° (anise and citrus fruits).

"ARS DISTILLANDI", 700ml: 8 great spirits honouring the art of distilling: 3 single varietal grappas (Chardonnay 42° , Cabernet 42° and Moscato 42°), Grappa Invecchiata (aged in wood for 12 months), Grappa Toscana, Grappa Alderotti 60°, Acquavite di Uva 40° and a Brandy aged 10 years in oak wood. This collection is under restyling and will be completely renewed by July. Gift pack available upon request.

GRAPPA RISERVA LUIGI BONOLLO, 700ml at 50% alc.: a superb grappa aged 18 months, elegant and perfectly balanced.

GRAPPA BONOLLO, 2000ml at 40%: a smooth white grappa, fruity and floral bouquet, perfect for catering needs and for bars and restaurants.

We are looking for new distributors and clients who are keen on experiencing the true Italian quality in drinking. Our spirits are not meant for large distribution, but we would be happy to meet new customers who look for high quality and selected products. We have been on the market for over a century and offer the highest standards of quality and service.
We do not request high MOQ but are ready and willing to let customers discover our qualities step by step and grow alongside them. We look with interest to market changes and are ready to develop new tastes together with our enthusiast customers. We have been exploring new methods and have recently produced vodka and gin for private labelling.
Pls visit our websites www.bonollo.com and www.distilleriebonollo.com to see who we are and what we do.
We look forward to meeting You and let You discover our fine distillates . Enjoy and drink responsibly!

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