+39 0536 999711
Via Marche, 10 Sassuolo - MO 41049 -



ZANASI is an Italian company, leader in the industrial inkjet printers development and production for unitary products and secondary packaging marking and coding. Our full range of inkjet marking systems covers CIJ, DOD, HD and TIJ technology, entirely made in Italy. Its value, determined by the great attention the management pays to reliable, innovative, and designed products, is recognized worldwide. The competence and the passion of the people who work there are ZANASI's decisive assets.

Production, and Research & Development take place in the historic headquarters in Sassuolo (Modena) since 1978 and create high-tech products used in a vast selection of sectors and applications. In the Italian headquarters, the Executive Board invested in company organization, technological research, and manufacturing expertise to increase the level of products and services conceived for the market.
ZANASI also has two divisions in Italy (Milan and Carinaro-Caserta), two branch offices in the United States and China (Minneapolis and Canton), and a distribution network that extends to over 60 countries across 5 continents, which guarantees quality control, as well as to consolidate and expand the company’s worldwide presence.

Zanasi has made large investments in company organization, technological research and manufacturing expertise, that still concentrate in the Italian headquarters in Sassuolo (Modena). This strategic choice has allowed to guarantee quality control, as well as to consolidate and expand the company’s worldwide presence thanks to the branches in Minneapolis (USA), Castellón de la Plana (Spain), Guangzhou (China) and to a widespread distribution network which covers over 60 countries in 5 continents.


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